Industry Standards

We are so glad to see that the two largest organizations for PDR technicians have come together and released a document that will help protect everyone when it comes to having PDR performed on your vehicle. PDR Nation and NAPDRT (National Alliance of PDR Technicians) have released a website that explains what may be required to properly repair a vehicle via PDR. The new site is

This document will help by showing insurers, vehicle owners, and body shop personnel a lot of the different scenarios that can come up when Paintless dent removal needs to be performed properly. There have been many many times over the years where we\’ve had to argue with insurance adjusters that we needed to remove a part or panel to gain access to properly fix a dent and because they had never had a technician ask do that they would say. \”The last technician didn\’t need to do that!\”  Every single dent on every single panel is completely different and each PDR technician is completely different.

This will also help you as the vehicle owner to know a little about what is required to gain access to the dent.

From the crew here at Dent Repair Now we sincerely thank everyone involved with making this document available!

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